AGM 2021

Annual General Meeting Mackenzie Nordiques Cross Country Ski Club November 4, 2021

In Attendance Elaine Bambrick, Teresa Brewis, Barb Paterson, Sheri Ukrainetz, Jon House, Danielle House, Elliot Wiechula, Joan Atkinson

Called to order at 6:07 pm at Mackenzie Rec Centre

Moved by Elliot

2nd by Joan to adopt agenda as presented


Moved by Elliot, 2nd by Joan to approved minutes of AGM Oct 26, 2020


2021-2022 Board of Directors

Elaine Bambrick (President)

Vice President (vacant)

Barb Paterson (secretary)

Sheri Ukrainetz (treasurer)

Teresa Brewis (Skill Development Coordinator)

Elliot Wiechula (Grooming Coordinator)

Danielle House (Social Media/Communications)

Ashley Grant (Events Coordinator)

Trail/Cabin Maintenance coordinator (vacant)

Fundraising coordinator (vacant)

Moved by Danielle 2nd by Elliot to accept slate of directors as above



124 members last years with 36% skiing with dogs. New clubhouse should be ready for this season, thank you to all funders. We have also appreciated use of Pisten Bully (PB)

Grooming – approximately 15 volunteers with 250+hrs prior to Pisten Bully, trails improved with use of PB. Negotiating now with District to allow and train 4 volunteer groomers to use PB. Sled,Ginzu and roller will be able to be stored in clubhouse.

Jack Rabbits 12 children were only outside last year due to Covid restrictions, lots of fun. Build the North helping with training of coaches, plan to take skiers to PG this winter to participate in their Jack Rabbit program.

Social media, finally have access to FB and Instagram account also have some swag.

Thank you to Bridget for all the work she did last year.

Financial statement to attach

Request in to council for funding to train more volunteers to use PB Groomer

Club house is fully funded

Potential projects

Further cabin upgrades, posts for navigation out to Alpine 2, Complete transition of night lights to all LED.

Ski swap planned for Nov 20, 2021 in Sas Da’ghe room at Rec Centre.

Motion by Elaine 2nd by Danielle that we spend up to $500. For waxing equipment and wax to be used at ski swap.


Elaine to look in to insurance for clubhouse, fuel storage.

Meeting adjourned 7:13

Next meeting Dec 2 at clubhouse 6 pm.